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Hard core tech and leadership
Using Yarn with Rails

Using Yarn with Rails

Nov 17, 2016
As the rise of Javascript ecosystem, Javascript libraries are needed for better user experience. This article uses Yarn to get a better JS libraries management.
Facebook 新发布的 Yarn JS 包管理器的 5 大功能

Facebook 新发布的 Yarn JS 包管理器的 5 大功能

Nov 15, 2016
Facebook发布了一个新的 Javascript 软件包管理器,名为 Yarn,并声称它比 npm 更快,更可靠,更安全。接下来,本文将介绍Yarn的五大功能。
Deploy rails app to AWS with Elastic Beanstalk

Deploy rails app to AWS with Elastic Beanstalk

Oct 17, 2016
An instruction of how to set up rails app with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
A step to a journey of thousands of miles

A step to a journey of thousands of miles

Oct 5, 2016
To record every single issue that I encountered and resolved.
Introducing ReleaseHub

Introducing ReleaseHub

Mar 1, 2016
Deliver codes faster and easier
AbRules - My AB testing gem

AbRules - My AB testing gem

Sep 23, 2015
A light weight ruby AB test library based on rules
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